Parking operators
Offering Berriii cashless payments means that drivers are able to pay for parking while relaxing in their train, office or car at leisure, instead of waiting for a turn at a pay machine in the dark/cold/rain holding their bags or watching as their train pulls out of the station. Move towards “frictionless parking” where the driver’s experience is smooth, fast, efficient and easy. Berriii reduces the chances of getting a PCN as a result of eliminating typos by registering the car details once and by offering simple reminders that take the driver straight into their parking session to extend their time.
Switching to cashless with BERRIII will ensure that your car parks are always available to take payments. No more stress while your P&D supplier orders parts from overseas, no more waiting to have them schedule a technician to fix your machine. No more having to handle appeals due to faulty machines and jammed coins.
Reduced Costs
Some of the other benefits of using BERRIII include cutting down cash collection and machine maintenance costs. It also means increased revenue and reduced Cap-Ex.
Environmentally Responsible by dropping your landfill and carbon footprint.
Go Green